Thursday, June 3, 2010


I'm a list-maker.  Half of the fun in this trip was making lists in preperation for it.  Packing Lists, To Do Before Washington Lists, Itinerary Lists, etc.  
I'm only half-kidding.

Following are a few new lists of potential interest to you.


Things I'm Really Glad I Brought with Me to Washington
  • Rain boots
  • Rain jacket
  • Rain pants
  • Rain fly for my tent
  • Many pairs of socks
  • Woven blanket from Mexico

    All of these things, directly or not, relate to the wet weather in Washington.  Thankfully I came prepared.
 Very cozy


Things I Really Wish I Had Brought To Washington That I Didn't
  •  Hair conditioner

    I brought with me this bar shampoo, JR Liggett's.  On the label it says most people don't need conditioner, so I threw caution to the wind and didn't pack any.  Mistake!  While I find that bar shampoo works surprisingly well to clean my hair, it does not work to detangle it at all.  Major bummer pulling out hair by the clump for two weeks before I crumpled under the pressure of it all and bought some conditioner at the Port Townsend Co-Op.

 Things I Miss
  • Showers (the hot kind, in stall or tub form found in many common bathrooms)
  • Mexican Food
  • My pets
  • You!*

    *Possibly.  Depending on who you are.
 Oh my god.  I miss Mexcian food so much.  Don't get me wrong -- the food up here is awesome. Jennie, the WWOOF coordinator at Finney Farm is like a gourmet vegan chef.  It's ridiculous.  One night she made gluten-free, vegan thanksgiving dinner and I was nearly in tears over it's deliciousness.  I can't even describe how fantastic it was.
But sometimes all a girl wants are some 99 cent hot carrots from Ortizes, you know?  Or a Rancho's burrito.  Or fajitas from Pokez. Ok I'm stopping now.  But you get the picture.


  1. hahahaha

    When I read the lists that you like to make it didn't even cross my mind that you were kidding until you said that! That's one of my favourite parts to (I'll show you my on-going dorm room list when you get back).

  2. I'm only kidding about them being half of the fun in this trip.

    God, I can't believe I haven't started my own dorm list yet! I'll have to check yours out ASAP when I get back.

  3. So break down and stop at Roberto's #4926 in Concrete and get a bean (no cheese) burrito with hot carrots on the side. There MUST be a burrito stand in town, yes?

  4. The closest thing is Taco Time in Mt. Vernon. I refuse to be disappointed by a Washingtonian's attempt to make quality Mexican food, though, and will wait for Rancho's next week!
